One of our great local amenities in Fulshear, Texas is our local library. The Bob Lutts...
3 Pre-Schools in 10 Miles from Fulbrook on Fulshear Creek

Thinking about buying a new home in Fulshear? Our development of beautiful homes is fortunate to have, close at hand, a number of excellent pre-schools. Here are just three of them.
Kids 'R' Kids
The motive force behind Kids 'R' Kids is:
"We believe that happy, loved and connected children are destined for success in every facet of their lives. Take the first step to higher education!"
The preschool environment is one where children are encouraged to grow emotionally, intellectually, socially and physically; in short to help children grow into complete and well-rounded human beings. Parents are encouraged to be involved in the important stages of their children's growth - from infant care to preschool and to the school age programs. The school encourages parents and teachers to work together to introduce and reinforce knowledge and skill learning.
The Goddard School
The Goddard School offers bright classrooms and large playgrounds, so children feel comfortable, happy, and want to learn. All pf the school's teachers are highly trained to introduce the right developmental skills at the right time to each child. The child-centered learning includes everything from cognitive skills to social skills to language skills.
The children learn through the school's "Fun Learning Experience" learning program. It guides children through the learning process, as well as building self-confidence. The school achieves this by ensuring that each child learns at their own speed according to their needs and abilities. Goddard School also includes fitness, art history and manners as part of its comprehensive child development program.
Knowledge Beginnings
Knowledge Beginnings focuses on enabling and encouraging children to develop their unique talents and creative ideas. Preschoolers learn by doing. Complex games are fun as well as developmental. They enjoy the many hands-on activities that will build their cognitive, physical and social skills. Learning is theme-based to encourage almost automatic reinforcement of what they have already learned, and to help each child grow in confidence.
Children learn in small groups, and create their own portfolios of learning. The school encourages strong parental involvement, since parents and teachers working together, make learning easier and more enjoyable.
Final Comment
There are many excellent preschool learning institutions within, say, 20 miles of Fulbrook on Fulshear Creek. These three are only a selection, and are within 10 miles. As a parent you want the best for your children and as a family you want a beautiful place to live that enhances your lifestyle. Please contact us or take a moment to look at our current inventory of beautiful new homes.